In this chapter you'll learn how to align text and images. (You don't know how to add images in yet. Images are coming up in a later lesson)   The divider examples don't use an ending to close a command because they are used once, not in a continuation. The
allows you to indent a paragraph, making the text look like the indentation of this paragraph you're now reading. The

you should already know. It gives you a new paragraph, and writes whatever else below the last paragraph. Can be used it stacking images and text. The

is a very common one. You probably have wondered how they make a horizontal line going accross a page. (Like the colored one above. But this one is just grey. You must have seen them while searching the web) The
is similar to the

(new paragraph) but it doesn't move the next paragraph down as far.

indent paragraph

new paragraph

add horizontal line
Line Break Below you can see the
indentation, the difference between the
(top one) and

(bottom one) both after the comma. And the

is at work as well, adding those grey separator lines.   You should be able to figure out the code for the image above. If not here it is:
Welcome to Extreme Mac! I hope your learning your,
html the easy way!
Welcome to Extreme Mac! I hope your learning your,

html the easy way!

I think you're ready for a some more complicated html. Below, I'll show you how to make your
(divider line) specified sizes. It's easy once you get the hang of it. 1) To make a divider line thicker use this:
2) To make a divider line have more width across screen use this:
3) To make a divider line a certain percentage of the width accross screen use this:
4) To make your divider a solid line, use this:
•Using the example 3 is nice because everybody has a different size monitor, so your divider will always look good on a 17 inch vs. a 12 inch. •Below are some examples of those dividers in use.   •Below is the code I used to make the image above:

•For your web page, lets add in 2 horizontal line confugurations in 1. Make it 30% (Example 3) and a thickness of 10 pixels. You will be replacing the

because the divider lines already configure it in with it. Below is the code:

•Put it under your heading. Your page should now look like this:   Extreme Mac   // // ////// ///// // // // //////   •You page's code should now look similar to this: Put the Title Here

Extreme Mac

  //   //   //////
 /////        //
// //    //////